Scholarship – Call for Proposals 2025

La Gamba - Regenwald der Österreicher - COBIGA - Roland Jehle Scholarship

The Tropical Field Station La Gamba in Costa Rica offers a plethora of options for fieldwork, especially in the fields of biology and geology. To further open up research possibilities for advanced students and young scientists, the Society for the Promotion of the La Gamba Field Station again offers scholarships for the year 2024. Scientific research in the context of MSc and PhD as well as postdoc studies (up to seven years after completion of the PhD) can be sponsored.  

The La Gamba Society reserves the right to transfer the funds to the following year if applications happen to lack the necessary quality or if the number of applications proves to be insufficient. The allotment of positively assessed applications to a specific scholarship is effected by the scientific advisory board.

The application to scholarships is also open to applicants who do not work for Austrian universities. The financial support per scholarship amounts to no less than 2.000 € per person; additional financial support is available if a well-founded time and costs projection is presented and if the project can’t be executed with a funding of 2.000 €.  

The next application deadlines for the 2025 scholarships are 15 May 2025 and 15 October 2025. The application period begins on 22 April 2025 and 22 September 2025 respectively.

Application documents

•    Concise description of the research plan in English on no more than 4 pages in A4 format under consideration of the following points: (1) Current status of international research on the proposed project based on the perusal of the current literature, clearly defined project goals as well as questions and working hypotheses, (2) detailed methods including time schedule, (3) bibliography of literature used to formulate the proposal and (4) budget plan. 

•    CV, and if applicable, a list of publications.

•    In the case of MSc and PhD projects: Confirmation of acceptance by the curriculum board or the relevant university department. 

•    Letter of recommendation (informal) by the research supervisor. Should lab work be required, then the feasibility must be confirmed by the supervisor. 
Please send your digital application as .pdf to


The board of the La Gamba Society reaches its decisions regarding the allocation of scholarships on the basis of competition criteria and the suggestions of the scientific advisory board. The quality and originality of research are pivotal and must be tied to a stay at the Tropical Field Station La Gamba.(Detailed information here: Call for Proposals 2025).

The following is not eligible for funding...

- Work that has already been completed at the time of application.
- Pure analyses of data already collected in Costa Rica.
- Equipment required for the fieldwork.


The applicants are notified about the ruling in writing immediately after a decision has been reached. You will receive a declaration of acceptance if you receive a scholarship for your research. The filled declaration must be returned to the La Gamba Society. 

The formal fulfillment of all application requirements does not imply a legal right to financial support. The allocation of the scholarships is based on competition for the best applications under the consideration of existing means. There is no right of appeal.


The scholarship is disbursed upon receival of the declaration of acceptance. 


An activity report (ca. two pages) must be submitted to the society no later than two months after the completion of your stay at the Tropical Field Station La Gamba. Furthermore, scholarship holders are obligated to send a digital copy of their master thesis or dissertation (in pdf format) to the society upon completion.
Should peer-reviewed publications arise from the sponsored work at the Tropical Field Station, then the scholarship must be mentioned in the acknowledgements and a pdf of the published article sent to the society.